The achievements that are outlined below have been made possible only through the collaborative effort of the UN and its valued partners in Albania. This year we have seen our partnership with government strengthened on the SDGs and critical transition areas, and targeted efforts with academia, the private sector and young people continue to build momentum for change. Our work is possible through financial support from key development partners to core funding in country projects and contributions to the Albania SDG Acceleration Fund in joint programme priorities.

In 2023, the 19 agencies of the UN in Albania implemented the second year of the UNSDCF 2022–2026 and collectively delivered USD 60 million, of which 96 percent was committed in-country.

Logos of UN Agencies in Albania

The Government of Albania confirmed leadership and commitment to the SDGs by re-establishing the Inter-Ministerial Committee and Working Group for SDG achievement and Agenda 2030. The Development Finance Assessment (DFA) of the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) was drafted and presented to the Inter-Ministerial Committee. Building interest around sustainable finance in Albania continued with a High Level Event on Financing Sustainable Development in Albania and an SDG-focused analysis of the 2023 draft public budget.

The UN contributed to strengthening the Parliamentary Sub-committee on Sustainable Development through organising dedicated events, among these an onsite visit to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN agencies in Geneva. The visit served to raise awareness and capacities on the role that MPs can play in advancing the 2030 Agenda, tools for SDG-related self-assessments, and advancing GE and gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). These insights will serve to define the Sub-committee’s annual workplan for 2024.

Government has also committed to preparing the National SDG Roadmap 2024–2030 in 2024 to prioritise actions and measures to achieve the SDGs in accordance with the country’s development priorities and progress in the EU Accession process. 

Working closely with government, the UN continued to bring together a wide set of stakeholders in advancing work in key transition areas, as follows:

  • Education and Food System, where national commitments have been pledged and are being implemented
  • Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transition, where the UN strongly supported Albania in the process of becoming a pathfinder country resulting by end-year in the development of a Policy Mapping and National Roadmap
  • Biodiversity and Nature, where, among other initiatives under the Cooperation Framework, UN supported the 4th National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
  • Digital Transformation, where UN is supporting implementation of Albania’s digital agenda and corresponding action plan with focus on digitalisation of public services and ICT infrastructure, to name a few. 
The UN Country Team receives the new EUD Ambassador to Albania Mr Silvio Gonzato and his team at the UN House.

Special acknowledgement goes to the close collaboration with our development partners, whose contribution in support of our work is essential for implementation of UN activities in Albania. These resources are channelled through bilateral agreements with UN agencies and through the SDG Acceleration Fund, which has proved important in increasing the strategic relevance and coherence of UN interventions in support of SDGs acceleration. 


The key contributing partners for UNSDCF 2022–2026 this year were the EU, Sweden, USA, Switzerland, Italy and others.

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